Drugged Up Military

Today, the Pentagon has admitted that they provided speed to the U.S Armed Forces during the Gulf War and are doing the same with military personnel in Afghanistan. A report called " Performance Maintenance During Continuous Flight Operations", produced by the Naval Medical Research Laboratory in Pensacola, Florida outlines the Pentagon practice of providing speed to pilots. The report "The Use of Amphetamines in U.S. Air Force Tactical Operations during Desert Shield and Storm", by Emonson DL and Vanderbeek RD outlines the use of speed during the Gulf War. A statement issued by the US Air Force Surgeon General's Office also confirmed the use of amphetamines by pilots. It said: "During contingency and combat operations, aviators are often required to perform their duties for extended periods without rest. While we have many planning and training techniques to extend our operations, prescribed drugs are sometimes made available to counter the effects of fatigue during these operations. The Pentagon, is in addition, providing "downers" after pilots binge on "uppers." In order to help the pilots sleep after a "binge" they are given a dosage of the sedative Temazepam (Restoril). These dosages of "uppers" and than "downers" have a devastating effect on the pilots judgement and overall mental health.Read whole article here
This perhaps explains the "paranoiac behavior" of the U.S. pilots that dropped the bombs on the Afghani Wedding Party and on the friendly Canadian troops. In April of this year (2002), four Canadian soldiers of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry were killed and eight injured when an American pilot dropped a 500lb laser-guided bomb on their position. In addition, many other "friendly fire" incidents and unexplained crashes of numerous helicopters could be explained through the overuse of amphetamines or "speed" by the pilots and other military personnel. Abuse of "speed" causes paranoia, irritability, irrationality and unexplained violent behavior in the user.
Worst of all, it is very possible that the rash of murders of the four Army wives by returning Special Forces from Afghanistan at Fort Bragg may be explained by taking into account the damaging effects of the abuse and addiction to speed. In a "La Voz de Aztlan News Bulletin" we reported, "In a bizarre coincidence during the six week period of June 11 to July 29, four Army soldiers in North Carolina killed their wives. All of the men were assigned to Fort Bragg, N.C. Three had recently returned from Afghanistan and two of of the soldiers committed suicide after killing their spouses." This is classic behavior exhibited by desperate "speed" addicts and abusers.
But amphetamines became particularly popular in World War II. Soldiers on both sides were given large amounts of amphetamines as a way of fighting fatigue and boosting morale. The British issued 72 million tablets to the armed forces. Records also show that kamikaze pilots and German panzer troops were given large doses of the drug to motivate their fighting spirit. Hitler's own medical records show that he received eight injections a day of methamphetamine, a drug known to create paranoia and unpredictable behavior when administered in large dosages.
This came from here.
Stimulants have been used to try to maintain performance during military operations. U.S. soldiers in Vietnam on reconnaissance patrols requiring long range or sustained activity were sometimes issued methylphenidate (RitalinTM) or dextroamphetamine (Jones, 1985). During the period between 1966 and 1969, the U.S. military consumed more amphetamines than the entire British and American armed forces during World War II (Mendleson, 1985).Whole article here
Armies hopped up on drugs from article in Mental Floss restates above but also talks about Thai and Burmese Bandit Armies and West African child soldiers that are drugged up prior to fighting.