Flimsy Sanity: A Laugh for Gardeners

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, May 29, 2005

A Laugh for Gardeners

I saw a movie on Ruth Stout in the 70's and despite a lot of memory problems, I remembered her name and the gist of her theory. Anyway, I decided to look her up. This article is good for laughs. http://www.homestead.org/Gardening/Ruth%20Stout%20-%20The%20No-Dig%20Duchess.htm

By the way, I would like to thank whoever invented the computer. I can now be a hermit and be as happy as "an angel full of pie" (Pres. Truman- I think- heard it once and it stuck but didn't find it when I googled it).


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