Flimsy Sanity: Gossip - Mankind's Feedback

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Gossip - Mankind's Feedback

Another thing I like about eBay is the feedback section where buyers warn each other about shady deals. The bad news is that sellers can also leave feedback - a mistake because buyers fear retailatory feedback and some sellers withhold feedback until they get favorable reviews. I think the seller's feedback should be restricted to listing non-payment exclusively.

That is why I like gossip in my little town. Not lies - I hate that. But when my neighbor tells me how the car dealer screwed him on a repair job, or how Larry windowpeeps, or Cathy shoplifts - this is information I want and need for protection. (Their sex lives do not interest me.) How do people in big cities survive?


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