Flimsy Sanity: Maximum Wage

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Maximum Wage

Would it ruin some great eternal plan if there were a maximum wage? This would pump millions of dollars into the economy. Some might even trickle down to working people and those that merit it could get a raise.

I was reading the bio's of some of the expensive officers in eBay (just because I like the company) and they move around amongst companies like major league baseball players. Company loyalty seems not to be an issue. I just think we could get someone cheaper to say the same things -cut costs (find someone desperate in a poor country and put less quality in the product), increase prices, and give myself a raise. Hell, I would be their CEO for a flat $10,000 a year with no perks, provided they gave me a good secretary to do any actual work.

With a maximum wage, innovation would be encouraged because if someone cannot live on say, $200,000 a year, they would have to invent or create something man cannot live without to make the big bucks. And this maximum counts all the perks and includes all public servants. Perhaps we could weed out the greedy and give some new blood a chance to work on our problems. I can dream.

p.s. May 22 - I just heard Richard Florida on PBS talk about how the creative class - the scientists, technocrats, people who create things are leaving the US. His book "The Flight of the Creative Class" says money is not a motivator for these people responsible for any improvements to society, so there is another argument for the maximum wage.


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