Greed the Uncurable
We make a feeble attempt to stifle greed during childhood when we make our preschoolers share. But then we give up. When the nominee for Secretary of Labor (who of all people should know better) is caught hiring illegal aliens so she can keep even more of her over-generous wages, when corporations have their over-priced products made by women and children in deplorable working conditions for incredibly low wages, when CEO's make millions (obviously unfit to compute value - the very basis of sound business decisions), there is a sickness that needs treating.
There is the sentiment that if you have a lot you must be worth more. Maybe it is true that we value the rich more than the poor. A lot more was made of the relatively few rich people that died when the Titanic sank than the thousands of poor Vietnamese "boat people" that drowned or the multitudes of blacks that died enroute to America to become slaves.
As far as I know, we all get but the one life. Is money or how many people we have following our orders the things that determine it's value? The price someone arbitrarily affixes to an hour of your life? I know you can always get people worked up about a mechanic making $40 an hour but no one cares when you mention some CEO makes $8 million a year. How much crap can a person own and worry about anyway? It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.--Henry Ford
Labels: corporate crime
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