Flimsy Sanity: First Impressions or Living in the Jungle

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

First Impressions or Living in the Jungle

People develop an opinion of you within four minutes of your first meeting. And 75% of that impression is based on your body language. If you want to make a powerful impression, show that you mean business in a firm and friendly way. Follow these tips:

Flash a brow. Raising your eyebrows briefly upon meeting someone is subtle, powerful signal that takes all of one-fifth of a second. Not being "flashed" by someone with whom we are on good terms can create hostile feelings.

Make eye contact at regular periods. Eye contact sends the signal to the people with whom you're talking that you're interested in what they're saying. However, be careful not to cross the line and stare, since that makes you seem aggressive.

Return a handshake. Apply the same pressure offered by the other person. Keep in mind that a limp handshake signals a wimpy image, and a crushing grip seems overly aggressive.

Stand Tall. Same goes for walking tall. Good posture says you're self-assured and trustworthy.

(Pilfered from a site selling industrial products)


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