Some People
Don't you think one of the funniest movies ever is Matilda by Danny Deveto. I got to laughing so hard last night my side hurt. Probably the reason Mathilda succeeded was because of not despite childhood neglect. Benign neglect is probably the philosophy I would prescribe if I were queen of the world. Leave each other alone and let each develop in their own way.
When I was on the long plane ride to Hawaii, I sat next to this nice man who was a fish buyer/seller thoughout the world. I asked him if he discovered any universal truth between all the cultures he dealt with. He didn't consider my question very long. He said, "all people want a better life for their children and all people want to be left alone." From a stranger's lips to your ears - this seems the most truthful statement I have ever heard. Nice man, let me sprawl out over several seats and sleep. Thanks.
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