This morning David Sedaris was on (I'm not sure of the show) and he was talking about the problem chain stores have with people defecating in change rooms, in the middle of the round clothing racks and even in a homemade castle display at the library. I wonder if some of it isn't related to the anarchist thinking similar to CrimethInc who are waging war on corporatization (if there is such a word) by doing things like shoplifting. The problem is that some poorly paid janitor will have to clean it up, not the CEO. Either it is a political statement or people are more disgusting than I thought.
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Flimsy, one of the saddest and earliest lessons I learned on my first foray from academia into business is that it is nearly impossible to hit one's target by such acts -- the burden does, indeed, fall on those in the lowest ranks, whether it's cleaning up piles of poop or cutting expenses. In banking, cutting expenses nearly never involved cutting executive perqs or bonuses -- instead, the decision was usually made to fire/lay off a half dozen check-filers, the lowest paid staff. Personally, I favor using the resources of the public library to identify and locate residence addresses of the "upper echelon" and then mailing them "care packages" -- all their bulk-postage, unsolicited ads; copies of their financial statements questioning expenses labeled only "Miscellaneous"; articles about the disparity between pay of executives and that of line workers, etc. It may not be any more effective (I'm sure it isn't), but at least it feels a little less like scattering fire.
At 11:31 AM,
Shephard said…
People are more disgusting than you thought. Add this to the list of ill-conceived boycotts and other stupidly executed attempts. It wouldn't surprise me a bit. ~S
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