About Me
- Name: Flimsy Sanity
- Location: Albert Lea, Minnesota, United States
Comedy is tragedy plus time.- Carol Burnett
It's every man for himself, the elephant said as he danced among the chickens. - Tommy Douglas
Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
Replacing the values of right and wrong are the concepts of legal and illegal as if that’s the beginning and end of what dictates behavior. -Charles Osgood
The problems we face today cannot be solved by the minds that created them -Albert Einstein
- Mother Jones
- American Prospect
- Common Dreams
- Democracy Now
- Barbara Ehrenreich
- Unknown News
- Empire Burlesque
- The Yes Men
- Truthdig
- Daou Report
- Bad Cop, No Donut (cop crime)
- Corpwatch
- Great quote site
- Source Watch
- Counterpunch
- The Nader Page
- Bill Moyer's Journal
- Nieman Watchdog
- Red State Rebels
- Clusterfuck Nation
- Joe Bageant
- Regressive Antidote
At 11:57 AM,
Shephard said…
omg, that's funny! Favorite line: "You certainly do remind me of Hitler." lol ~S
At 5:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
I beg to differ, Dave Barry never wrote anything not funny - per se. Always wanted to use those handy phrases, but it turns men on, so do be careful not to use it in a parked car on a moonlit night. Or maybe do use it depending on the number of Peruvian appetizers you can eat. Thanks for the Dave Barry break.
At 7:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Flimsy, I'm such an ignoramus I had no idea who Dave Barry is .. but I now know he's a damned funny man. I also think I may have encountered him at a few parties when I was younger; some of those lines have a distinctly familiar ring!
Thanks for the introduction!
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