Flimsy Sanity: Credit

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, June 12, 2005


I think we should give credit more, exalt the good. Why aren't some of the song writers names as familiar to us as the stars. Of course some of the most talented write and sing their own songs, but what was the fascination with Elvis, he didn't write his songs. O.K. he had style appeal in his youth, but then his style went to hell - it is all the advertising rather than the true value. It's the cook/waitress thing.

My mom says she always reads the credits after a movie looking for our surname to see if a relative did anything. Lots of times they print them so small and they roll so fast you don't have a clue. I lift my glass to all the unsung people who keep the water running, the lights on, the car functioning, the buildings constructed, the crops picked, the mail delivered, the meat butchered, the sick tended, the children inspired by an example of determination....to absolutely everyone who does good work and goes to the asshole jobs so their kids can have a better life. By the way, what is a "grip"?


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