About Me
- Name: Flimsy Sanity
- Location: Albert Lea, Minnesota, United States
Comedy is tragedy plus time.- Carol Burnett
It's every man for himself, the elephant said as he danced among the chickens. - Tommy Douglas
Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
Replacing the values of right and wrong are the concepts of legal and illegal as if that’s the beginning and end of what dictates behavior. -Charles Osgood
The problems we face today cannot be solved by the minds that created them -Albert Einstein
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- Regressive Antidote
At 5:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good one! Freud is the icon of sexism in psychiatry and put equality behind a couple of hundred years.
At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Flimsy, I can't resist:
The Complaint of the Wife of a Psychoanalyst
I never get mad, I get hostile;
I never feel sad, I'm depressed;
If I sew or I knit, and enjoy it one bit,
I'm not handy, I'm merely obsessed.
I never regret, I feel guilty;
And if I should vacuum the hall,
Wash the woodwork and such, and not mind it too much,
Am I tidy? Compulsive, that's all.
If I can't choose a hat, I have conflicts,
With ambivalent feelings toward net,
I never get worried or nervous or hurried --
Anxiety, that's what I get.
If I'm happy I must be euphoric;
If I go the the Stork or the Ritz
And have a good time making puns or a rhyme,
I'm manic, or maybe a schiz.
If I tell you you're right I'm submissive,
Repressing aggressiveness, too!
And when I disagree, I'm defensive, you see,
And projecting my symptoms on you.
I love you, but that's just transference,
With Electra rearing her head;
My breathing asthmatic is psychosomatic,
A fear of exclaiming, "Drop dead!"
I'm not lonely, I'm simply dependent;
My dog has no fleas, just a tic --
So if I act hateful, never mind -- just be grateful,
I'm not really a stinker -- I'm sick!
(from the 1990 Almanac for Farmers & City Folks, reprinted in the Pennsylvania Psychiatrist)
At 1:25 PM,
Flimsy Sanity said…
Xristim: How perfect.
At 1:39 PM,
Reidpsych said…
RE: the poem mistakenly attributed to the 1990 "Almanac":
This was originally titled "Lament to the Wife of a Psychiatrist" and actually written by my mother (Lucile Reid Brock), who passed away in November, 2008. She wrote it during the late 1940s, while her then-husband was a psychiatry resident in Dallas, Texas. She presented it at a professional meeting in Galveston around that time, and it was soon published in the Timberlawn Sanitarium newsletter, The Happy Valley Spark (yes, that really was the newsletter title).
Should you wish to read more about the poem and read it in its entirety, visit www.reidpsychiatry.com/#lament. For more about my mother's art and books, visit www.reidpsychiatry.com/lucilebrock_art.html.
William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H. (yes, a psychiatrist)
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