Flimsy Sanity: Oxyclean is the best

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Oxyclean is the best

I like to buy older tablecloths and lots of times they have these set in stains and I just boil them in oxyclean for about ten minutes and then let them sit in the water until it grows cold. If the stains aren't gone, I heat it up again and give it another boil. Almost always everything comes out. But it does dry the heck out of your hands so if you have gloves, it would be best. Do not use it on things with shiny threads, for some reason you will get a reaction and holes develop.

One time I had the canner filled with oxyclean and I had just bought a kerosene glass lamp shade that was horribly stained. Just to experiment, I put it in the cold water canner and some stains came out. I reheated the water and dumped it back in and it was beautiful. Got $70 for the thing.

Also just cleaned a pottery jar that I had used in the kitchen to hold utensils and it had a few grease spots. Came out great.

I told my sister about it and she runs to Sam's Club and buys me this big tub for my birthday. It popped open enroute and when it got to the post office, they were a little panicked because this box was leaking white powder. I don't know this for a fact, but I like to think so because it gives me a laugh.


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