Family Values
On the Internet, there is a dictum known as "Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies," coined in 1990 by a man named Mike Godwin. This law holds that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." Anyone who has spent time on political discussion boards can see that it's true; in any charged debate (abortion, Iraq, Israel, foreign policy), it's only a matter of time before someone compares his opponent to Hitler.
It's commonly understood that once Godwin's Law is invoked, a conversation is dead-and that any person who invokes Nazis almost definitely has failed to make his point. It's what philosopher Leo Strauss, the great inspiration to neoconservatives like Rumsfeld, called Reductio ad Hitlerum - the absurd smearing of any opposing line of thought as "Hitleresque." Thanks to Truthout
But back to family values. "Family Values" is code for (1)rejection of homosexuals right to exist and (2)abortion legislation and then somewhere down the line about raising an ethical family. People only concerned about their own family aren't necessarily admirable. Actually, people who place family values over human values are probably the ones setting up offshore accounts and trust funds to protect their wealth for their family instead of paying their fair share for their easily acquired income. Human values consist of letting your neighbor mind his own business rather than imposing the family structure you have chosen for yourself on them. Talk of the "sanctity of marriage" is rather ridiculous when the divorce rate is 50% but preachers don't criticize divorce because half the congregation would walk out. Human values can even mean NOT doing the most instinctual conduct of all animals - that of reproducing more humans into an overcrowded, polluted world.
I had an uncle that was the most unethical person I have ever met. Actually stole from widows and orphans (Conducted the fundraiser for a family whose father and child were killed in a fire and most of the money disappeared) but he was a great family man - except for occasionally cheating on his wife. Of course he and Clinton are the only men in the world that have ever done that and lied about it.
At 7:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Poor old Adolf, his reputation has ended up much like that of Rasputin or Genghis Khan. My theory is that he was simply the latest despot on the scene and as such is used to signify the absolute epitome of badness - hence a natural conversation stopper!
"Family values" is one of those meaningless terms used by conservative politicians and religiots attempting to impose their own dubious morals on the rest of us. Given the actions of many of them, their ideology is definitely "do as I say, not as I do". Judging by most families, the bickering, fighting and general bedlam of "family life" bears witness to "family values" being utterly worthless. Personally, I've always lived by the maxim that one can choose one's friends, but relatives need to be quarantined, preferably an ocean away. It may have something to do with why I now live in America. "Family values" is just another concoction of those who want to hold onto power over us by demanding we bend to their will. Sorry, but this gentleman's not for bending. (I think Mrs Thatcher said something similar - only in her case it was "The lady's not for turning." She wasn't a relative, but I couldn't stand her, either.)
At 2:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
You know - this blog may be someplace I may have to stick around a bit, like your insight
At 1:43 PM,
Flimsy Sanity said…
I agree, you can't count on your family for much.
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