What should be taught in schools - truth (to the best of our knowledge) or tales? I was reading the simple book "I Love Paul Revere, Whether He Rode Or Not" and a few of the falsehoods perpetuated in school are that Betsy Ross made the first flag (or any flag at all), that Francis Scott Key could have seen the flag "by dawn's early light" as he was eight miles away (and hated the war of 1812), that Pilgrims wore austere black clothing (they dressed according to the fashions of the times), that Washington's stint at Valley Forge was uncomfortable (they had lots of food), that the Pilgrims were fleeing religious persecution (they had been living in Holland where they enjoyed complete religious freedom), that Horatio Alger was a role model (he was a pedophile), that Tokyo Rose ever existed. Why NOT teach that Eve was made from a rib? It's all bullshit so why not pile on a little more? They are just cannon fodder and baby machines anyway - who needs thinkers in DAS JESUSLAND?
At 9:30 AM,
Shephard said…
I can't even tell you how many of those things were taught to me in SCHOOL. Amazing. Sure makes you wonder about everything else. And wondering is a good thing. ~S
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