The right has lots of names for those that don't think like them: moonbat has 544,000 google entries, idiotarian has 604,000, feminazi has 35,600. What would be a cutsy term for sociopath - someone or some organization who is only interested in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others; someone who has no empathy for victims? We could use the new word to tease the corporate labor and environmental abusers, to chide commentators who equate torture with fraternity pranks, to pester police who are brutal, to kid people who arrest or shoot you mistakenly as a terrorist, etc.
At 4:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi...I'm no French scholar except as the language derives from Latin, but according to, there are some possibilities:
"offensive stupid bastard", a pejorative, masculine form
CONARD (syn.: imbécile, crétin)
"offensive stupid bitch", a pejorative, feminine form
CONASSE (syn.: idiote, imbécile)
"CONard" and "CONasse" certainly have possibilities, given CONservative and neo-CON. Seems particularly appropriate, considering how much the French do NOT like our present Administration!
At 6:54 PM,
R J Adams said…
Not particularly cute - but I'm feeling rather angered tonight. How about 'Chrifuntards'? I'll leave you to work out the derivation.
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