Flimsy Sanity: May cause drowsiness

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Friday, August 12, 2005

May cause drowsiness

Some of the common side effects of the drug I am on are "Abdominal pain, abnormal walk, loss of muscle tone, agitation, aggression, anxiety, chest pain, constipation, coughing, decreased activity, diarrhea, dizziness, dry skin, fever, headache, inability to sleep, increased dreaming, increased duration of sleep, indigestion, involuntary movements, joint pain, lack of coordination, nasal inflammation, nausea, overactivity, rapid heartbeat, rash, reduced salivation, respiratory infection, sore throat, tremor, underactive reflexes, urination problems, vomiting, weight gain
increased heart rate, low blood pressure and EKG changes, memory loss, muscle rigidity, altered mental states and instability of blood pressure and pulse; potentially fatal". (I'm surprised it causes not only constipation but also diarrhea) The pharmacist puts the note "may cause drowsiness" which isn't even listed as a side effect. Ha ha ha, I could just die laughing.

I notice they almost always put that "drowsiness" warning on all pills. I suppose that is to lull us into thinking they are concerned about the effects these drugs might have on us and are acting as well educated professionals who study the side effects and warn us of the most dangerous ones.


  • At 6:48 AM, Blogger R J Adams said…

    No, they're just covering their arses so you can't sue them.

  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger Badkins said…

    I heard (but have no evidence to suport this) that the side-effects are simply a listing from most common to least common of ALL the complaints that people had when they did clinical trials.

    So, if even ONE person had constipation from a bad taco(for example), they list it.

    Now the drowsiness thing is just odd...unless they didn't have room on the label. :)


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