Flimsy Sanity: Cops aren't even on this chart

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Cops aren't even on this chart

When I had my bees stolen, I went to the law. They were more than useless as the thieves were their friends. I have no respect for the law as many are lazy or crooked or both. Anyway, I saw this and thought you might be interested in just how dangerous their jobs are:

 The 10 most dangerous jobs
OccupationFatalities per 100,000
Timber cutters117.8
Pilots and navigators69.8
Structural metal workers58.2
Drivers-sales workers37.9
Electrical power installers32.5
Farm occupations28
Construction laborers27.7
Truck drivers25
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics; survey of occupations with minimum 30 fatalities and 45,000 workers in 2002


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