Flimsy Sanity: Kids don't work is a lie

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Kids don't work is a lie

Stopped today at Taco John's and had a taco salad and there were six teenage girls that were really hustling getting the orders out - acting as both cooks and waitresses and getting no tips. Same at all the fast food joints - young folks doing more work, getting less money. I wanted to tip them each a buck at least, but my finances need to be controlled. Left them each a dime for luck, chintzy but I wanted them to know they were appreciated.

Saw two young teenage boys sweeping the street of all the firecracker debris in front of their house- should have given them a dime too.

I was looking for that quote written in Greek or Roman times that disparaged youth as the older generation thinks the young have it so easy for all times. Ran across these interesting quotes.


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