Joseph Meyer portrayed Christ's death for years and I can only imagine he made a good living at it. Now anyone that exploits pain for profit pisses me off. Anyway, this lady that worked at the newspaper in Spearfish told me that the townspeople are a little sick of Meyer, who always plays Christ. One day the local drunk showed up for his crowd scene and rather than chanting "Crucify Him, Crucify Him", he yelled loudly, "Kill the Son Of A Bitch". I got to giggling for the rest of the day and into the night about the story. I later told it to another lady and you would have thought I was crucifying Christ myself - she thought it was the most sacrilegious thing she had ever heard. I tried to explain that the town hated the actor, but she wouldn't talk to me. Sheesh. I think all torture sucks but I love a story where a phony gets put in their place.
I think God may even be sick of everyone making money off that story - After all Mel Gibson's production got struck by lightening...Twice.
Labels: torture mentality
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