Flimsy Sanity: Are you an obsessive Gardener (Author unknown)

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Are you an obsessive Gardener (Author unknown)

This obsession for gardening doesn’t really happen all at once. Instead, it sneaks up on you. How can you tell whether you’re a normal, healthy gardener or have crossed the line into dangerous territory? Easy, take this quiz!
N = Normal GardenerO= Obsessed Gardener
N= You won’t leave town when your iris are in bloom.O= ….. or your daffodils, your lilacs, your wisteria, your roses, your clematis, your lilies, your hydrangea, your asters …….
N= You have a charge account at the local garden center.O= Your spouse buys all your Christmas presents there.
N= You invest in fine gardening tools.O= You keep spare tools in your car for gardening emergencies.
N= You value all living things, great and smallO= You cheered when Bambi’s mother died.
N= You have a compost heap.O= You take its temperature every day
N= You can’t believe you ordered so many bulbs this fall.O= It wasn’t enough.
N= You know the Latin names of your plants.O= You use them in conversations …. With the plants.
N= You love to grow and cook your own vegetables.O= Cook? Who has time to cook?
N= You are proud of your baby carrots.O= You carry pictures of them in your wallet
N= You can crush a Japanese beetle in your bare fingertips.O= You love the sound it makes when you do.
N= You would never kill a ladybugO= You bring them inside for the winter
N= You have dirt under your fingernails.O= What fingernails?
N= You know the pH of your soilO= All your friends know the pH of your soil
N= You’ve had a soil testO= You studied for it.
N= You buy well-composted cow manure to top dress your garden.O= You buy a cow.
N= You think Eliot Coleman is cute.O= You think Roger Swain is cute.
N= You know the virtues of hand weeding.O= …… after dark
N= You teach your children the wonders of gardeningO= Children? Who has time to have children?


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