Are you an obsessive Gardener (Author unknown)
N = Normal GardenerO= Obsessed Gardener
N= You won’t leave town when your iris are in bloom.O= ….. or your daffodils, your lilacs, your wisteria, your roses, your clematis, your lilies, your hydrangea, your asters …….
N= You have a charge account at the local garden center.O= Your spouse buys all your Christmas presents there.
N= You invest in fine gardening tools.O= You keep spare tools in your car for gardening emergencies.
N= You value all living things, great and smallO= You cheered when Bambi’s mother died.
N= You have a compost heap.O= You take its temperature every day
N= You can’t believe you ordered so many bulbs this fall.O= It wasn’t enough.
N= You know the Latin names of your plants.O= You use them in conversations …. With the plants.
N= You love to grow and cook your own vegetables.O= Cook? Who has time to cook?
N= You are proud of your baby carrots.O= You carry pictures of them in your wallet
N= You can crush a Japanese beetle in your bare fingertips.O= You love the sound it makes when you do.
N= You would never kill a ladybugO= You bring them inside for the winter
N= You have dirt under your fingernails.O= What fingernails?
N= You know the pH of your soilO= All your friends know the pH of your soil
N= You’ve had a soil testO= You studied for it.
N= You buy well-composted cow manure to top dress your garden.O= You buy a cow.
N= You think Eliot Coleman is cute.O= You think Roger Swain is cute.
N= You know the virtues of hand weeding.O= …… after dark
N= You teach your children the wonders of gardeningO= Children? Who has time to have children?
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