The 48 Laws of Power
Law 7
Get others to do the Work for you, but Always Take the Credit Use the wisdom, knowledge, and legwork of other people to further your own cause. Not only will such assistance save you valuable time and energy, it will give you a godlike aura of efficiency and speed. In the end your helpers will be forgotten and you will be remembered. Never do yourself what others can do for you.
At 2:14 PM,
Shephard said…
A best seller. That would explain a lot today, wouldn't it. ~S
At 5:32 PM,
R J Adams said…
Otherwise known as "48 Ways to Trample Over Everyone and Knife Them in the Back to Achieve Your Goals" - but, I suppose that was too long to fit on the book spine.
At 5:45 PM,
R J Adams said…
PS: I note the author has written a second book entitled "The Art of Seduction". Both are published by Penguin. How sad that a company once rated as a good publisher should sink to such trash. Mind, Penguin has gone through so many different CEO's in the last few years I don't think they know anymore which way they're going - except downhill.
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