Flimsy Sanity: Election defines Morality

Flimsy Sanity

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Election defines Morality

So the election is over and the world is made aware that the people of America actually support Bush. I’m sure international citizens assumed that Bush remained in power only because he was an unknown at the first election, but now the rest of humanity realizes we know who he actually is and we approve. I am just sick at heart.

The newscasters say this election was a referendum on morality. By morality, they mean sex. Evil sex not conducted for procreation should have lifelong consequences. Evil sex between same sex people should be stopped at all costs. Even test tube sex is sacred. Never mind that 50% of heterosexual marriages end in divorce – homosexuals should not be encouraged to promise lifelong commitment – it is a sacred institution whereby vows are never broken. Morality is defined by how and who you screw.

Ethics is defined by how you conduct your life at home, not how you conduct your life in society. Morality does not mean truthfulness, the value of human life that is already here (be it death penalties for poor people or soldier deaths – the two government sanctioned killings), or foreign humans slaving at polluted factories, the economic windfall for cronies by wars, manipulation of the news by corporations who own the “free” press, willful disregard for the planet we live on, it all is nothing compared to where peckers are put.

Fundamentalist religion is the only guide to how we should live. The stricter control of sex the more “moral” we are. The Taliban is an example of fundamentalist religion mixed with politics. So here we are in Iraq, two religious factions each thinking the other is evil. And a leader who is simple–minded. It can only lead to disaster.


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